September 18 COVID-19 Advisory Task Force Update. Red means stop, as it did six months ago when COVID-19 shut down Dallas County and much of the state and nation. And orange, the current Dallas County threat level? The county says it means “extreme caution.” We take...
July 29 COVID-19 Advisory Task Force Update
July 29 COVID-19 Advisory Task Force Update Wilshire is committed to providing opportunities for fellowship even while it remains unsafe for us to congregate. That includes keeping everyone involved in the life of our church up to date on the work of the Wilshire...
July 2 COVID-19 Advisory Update
COVID-19 Advisory Task Force Update - July 2Wilshire is committed to providing opportunities for fellowship even while it remains unsafe for us to congregate. That includes keeping everyone involved in the life of our church up to date on the work of the Wilshire...
Second COVID-19 Report to Congregation – May 28, 2020
This is the second report to the congregation from Wilshire’s COVID-19 Advisory Task Force. We are seeking to keep the congregation informed as we continue our work of evaluation and recommendation. First, the task force expresses its gratitude to the 344 congregants...