Wilshire’s children’s Ministry
“Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”
—Matthew 18:5

Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School meets year-round at 9:45 a.m. Sunday School is designed to meet your child’s spiritual, physical and social needs and to provide a secure place for good learning experiences. Your child will know that they are loved as we continue to help you build a foundation of faith.

Children are encouraged to attend worship at 11 a.m. with their parent or guardian. Children’s Worship Folders are provided at the entrances into the Sanctuary, with activities to enrich the child’s worship experience. Occasionally, children are invited down front for a children’s moment, and there are opportunities for children to help lead in worship. Childcare is offered during worship for preschoolers, from birth to Pre-K.
Children’s Choirs
Children’s Choirs meet on Sundays after worship for select periods during the school year. (A snack lunch is provided.) Children have opportunities to grow musically and in worship leadership through singing in worship services, participation in musical and special events and through innovative, fun and creative classroom activities.

Our Wednesday night children’s experience features a rotation of activities to help kids learn how to love God and others with every part of themselves. Each week is different, with activities including art, music, science, puppets and cooking. KidConnect meets at 6 p.m. during the school year. Dinner for the whole family is offered in Koinonia Café at 5 p.m.
Summer Events for Children

Vacation Bible School
VBS creates opportunities for children to learn more about the Bible and their place in God’s world. A wide range of hands-on activities opens the door to learning while having a good time. Usually held one week in June from 9 a.m. to noon.

cooking camp
Children in grades 1 through 6 learn about food safety, nutrition and prepare a three-course lunch served daily. Cooking Camp is held mornings, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., one week during the summer.

LIsten to Your Art!
Creative Arts Camp has something for everyone who has completed first through sixth grade: music, drama, movement/dance, visual art, sewing, cooking, cartoon drawing, commercial/video creation, photography, creative writing and more! Participants will rotate through artistic outlets in small groups and perform for friends and family on Friday night. Generally held one summer week during the afternoons.

Passport Kids! Preteen Camp
Passport Kids! is a four-day, three-night sleepaway camp for kids who have completed third through sixth grade. We travel by bus to the Heart of Texas Baptist Camp and Conference Center in Brownwood, Texas, and stay in air-conditioned cabins. Students participate in high-energy worship, interactive Bible study, creative recreation, missions and other fun activities. Typically held toward the end of July.