the latest from wilshire
News & Updates
Watch this space for the latest Wilshire news. Check the Events section for information on upcoming events. You can also subscribe to our two weekly emails; Tapestry News, sent Fridays, includes news and a worship preview, while the Monday Recap has links to videos and blog posts from the prior week.
End of Year Need, Dec. 27
End of year need: $196,147 A couple of weeks ago we honored the life of Phil Laquey. If you ever met Phil, you knew he was one of the sharpest dressers around — much like Charlie Burgin — and had a smile that could charm a snake. During the memorial service, a family...
Preparing for Worship
Each year, 150 to 200 of us bring ornaments to place on our large extended-family Christmas tree. There is one ornament my grandma puts on the tree every year: it’s a little ornament in the shape of underwear. It’s her reminder to us to always have on a fresh pair....
End of Year Need, Dec. 21
End of year need: $331,245 Each month the full Wilshire staff gathers in Community Hall for lunch and an activity. It has become a time to better know those we work and prepare worship with. Activities have ranged from a “Chopped”-style dessert challenge to building...
Ariel Merivil called as music minister
In a special business meeting after worship last Sunday, Dec. 17, the members of Wilshire voted to call Ariel Merivil as our next minister of music. We anticipate a mid-February start for Ariel, who will move to Dallas from Lincoln, Nebraska, where he has served...
Preparing for Worship
By Scott Spreier. Hark! The herald angels sing, “Glory to the new-born king; peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!” I first remember singing this wonderful song as a youngster at our church Christmas pageant. (Or was it the school pageant? In...
I Am Wilshire: Ellen Wilkerson
Hometown: Lubbock; Present City: Dallas; Education: B.A. History from Baylor University, M.S. Business Management from SMU; Profession: Estate manager; Tell us about your family. My parents, Gordon and Lori, live in Lubbock and Dallas, and they are both Baylor alumni....