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News & Updates
Watch this space for the latest Wilshire news. Check the Events section for information on upcoming events. You can also subscribe to our two weekly emails; Tapestry News, sent Fridays, includes news and a worship preview, while the Monday Recap has links to videos and blog posts from the prior week.
2023 giving results in surplus
Thanks to strong year-end giving, Wilshire not only met its 2023 budget but exceeded it by $252,726, the church’s largest giving surplus since 2014. Our budget for 2023 was $3,850,000, and revenue totaled $3,926,388. Expenses for the year were held under budget at...
The Christmas Tree is Full!
Dear Wilshire, I’m writing to give a quick update on our yearend giving, even if it doesn’t hold all the final pieces. I apologize for not reporting sooner, but we were patiently waiting for the last batch of mail postmarked for December, which we believe came...
Preparing for Worship
By Charlie Fuller. It was on a cloudless night back in the 1960s. My dad took my older brother and me out to the backyard, and we craned our necks upward. The night sky was filled with stars. Bright stars. Dim stars. Clusters of stars. Individual stars. Stars...
I Am Wilshire: Tim Morgan
Hometown: Dallas Present City: Dallas Education: BBA, Accounting, Baylor; MBA, UT Austin Profession: Retired Tell us about your family. I am married to Jane, and our children, Emily and David, grew up at Wilshire and are married and live in Nederland, Texas, and...
End of Year Need, Dec. 30
End of year need: $83,396 Every Sunday growing up, the late Rev. Charles Henderson would come up during the alter call and say, “It’s prayer time.” As soon as those words were spoken through the dented microphone, there either grew a hush in the sanctuary or a wailing...
Preparing for Worship
It was the yearly church fishing trip, and it was quite exclusive. My uncle, the pastor, gave up on trying to teach me the right catfishing technique. As I started to cry, Rev. Tate took me aside, and she worked with me for hours. She first taught me that the best...