I Am Wilshire: Haley Hampton

by | Jun 28, 2024 | I Am Wilshire, Uncategorized

Hometown: Wichita Falls
Present City: Wichita Falls
Education: Brite Divinity School, MDiv, with a concentration in pastoral and community care
Profession: VA Liaison for Visiting Angels of Wichita Falls

Tell us about your work or volunteer life.
I am an MDiv student concentrating in pastoral and community care. I like to lovingly refer to myself as a part time poet and theologian, and I love walking with people through the messy and nuanced pieces of life. I primarily work with people of faith who are walking through the process of deconstructing and pruning harmful theology and belief from their lives.

Any favorite hobbies?
Writing, reading and playing cozy video games!

What are your favorite places to travel?
Orcas Island, Washington. It’s one in a small cluster of islands off the upper left coast of Washington State. It’s beautiful and is the location of the first church I was ever a member of, Orcas Island Community Church.

What brought you to Wilshire?
I had only been to one other church that employed women in pastoral positions, and I was incredibly interested in being part of a church community that welcomed and championed people from all walks of life. Wilshire’s justice and community-oriented education is still fairly new to me and exactly how I’d like to engage any congregation or community I get to walk alongside in the future.

What do you think God is up to in your life right now?
I’m still getting used to being a queer woman who has permission to follow my calling — and that comes with a lot of upending and pruning in my faith life. I’m very blessed to have a support system and friends who are committed to walking alongside me in this journey. It’s a good reminder that we, as people, are built for healing in community. I’m preaching for the very first time this summer and the Lord is really doing a big thing in my soul — reminding me that I am not built to be all things to all people, but that I can be committed to helping those around me see the image of the Divine that is in them.

What’s something interesting most 
people would not know about you?
I would like to write a book either during seminary or after! About what, I’m not sure. Currently, I’m focusing on working to be published online as well as appearing on podcasts (and maybe creating one of my own)!