This page is generally updated on Fridays.
Faith in 3D March 26 and 29
Wilshire’s 2025 Faith in 3D production is an original vignette-styled musical, In Songs and Stories. The show will feature a compilation of songs, predominantly from Broadway musicals, that will not only entertain but also stimulate discussion with the potential to change individuals — and maybe the world. Director Nancy Poynter returns for her 11th Faith in 3D production, and Ralph Manuel will serve as musical director. The free show will be performed at Wilshire on Wednesday, March 26, at 6 p.m. and Saturday, March 29, at 2:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. The Wednesday performance will take the place of Wilshire’s usual Wednesday 6 p.m. offerings (childcare will be offered for preschoolers). The three Ds in Faith in 3D stand for drama, dialogue and dessert. Each performance will be followed by a moderated discussion, and dessert will be available in the Narthex.
Reproductive rights film March 28
Wilshire is joining with Arapaho United Methodist Church to present a screening of Zurawski v. Texas, a powerful documentary about the impact of our state’s abortion bans. The film will be shown at Arapaho on Friday, March 28, at 6:30 p.m. An OB-GYN featured in the film will be on hand for a discussion that will include suggestions for engaging with the issue during the legislative session. Visit to register (required).
Children’s Choir spring session is underway
Kindergartners through fifth graders are invited to “Sing This Spring” by participating in the spring session of Children’s Choirs, which includes four Sunday rehearsals, two times singing in Sunday worship plus a year-end program. Rehearsals will run from 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. after a snack lunch.
■ March 23: rehearsal
■ March 30: rehearsal
■ April 6: rehearsal
■ April 13: sing in worship on Palm Sunday; no rehearsal April 13 or 20.
■ April 27: rehearsal (Pizza Day!)
■ May 4: sing in worship
■ May 7: year-end program and party
Wednesday Night Live: April 2
Koinonia Café
5 p.m. | Community Hall | Buffet dinner. Cash/check/credit accepted. See prices at April 2: Chicken enchiladas with green sauce, Spanish rice, elote, chips and salsa, pozole, tres leches, peanut butter cookies, jello. Kids: Cheese quesadillas, elote, rice.
Preschool Music & Missions
6 p.m. | Age 3–Pre-K | Preschool choir plus activities and lessons focused on God’s love.
6 p.m. | K–Grade 5 | A rotation of activities to help kids learn how to love God and others with every part of themselves.
April Bible Study Series: Mystics & Misfits
6 p.m. | Community Hall | Christians throughout history have sought God in radical ways — some by locking themselves in solitude for a life of prayer, others by leaving behind comfort to serve the poor and challenge injustice. Through contemplation and bold action, these mystics and cultural misfits saw God in ways that changed the world. In this series, we’ll explore their stories and what they can teach us about faith today.
■ April 2: Meet the Early Mystics. The series starts with a podcast-style conversation with our pastoral residents on early mystics like Francis of Assisi and Julian of Norwich. They’ll cover what mysticism is and why these ancient contemplative practices still matter.
6:30 p.m. | Grades 6–12 | Wilshire Student Ministry’s weekly time of Bible study and
music in the Youth Center.
Sanctuary Choir
7 p.m. | Choral Hall | New singers are always welcome in our main adult choir. No audition.
Free yoga classes
Wilshire member Mary Lu Hare will lead free yoga class in the Youth Center on three Saturdays: March 15, April 19 and May 17. The one-hour sessions will start at 10 a.m. and are suitable for all experience levels. Bring a yoga mat, water and a friend.
Virtual phone banking
Want to make your voice heard to elected officials but not sure how or what to say? Starting in April, Wilshire will offer help in the form of a weekly Zoom call that will provide encouragement and a briefing on urgent issues. Participants will then have the chance to call their own representatives. Wilshire’s virtual phone banking, a project of the Missions and Christian Advocacy Committee, will happen at noon each Wednesday during April. Email Associate Pastor Heather Mustain ( for the Zoom link.
Grocery distribution
Join a team that will distribute groceries in partnership with Catholic Charities and the Vickery Meadow Youth Development Foundation on the last Friday of each month from 8:30 to 11:45 a.m. Contact Associate Pastor Heather Mustain ( if you’re interested in serving.
Prepare the Way: Lent 2025
Join us this Lent as we Prepare the Way for Christ’s resurrection. Together, we’ll journey through the wilderness of these 40 days, embracing spiritual practices that open our hearts to the sacred and prepare us for the mystery of what’s to come.
Lenten Book Focus
All are invited to read along as we study N.T. Wright’s From Wilderness to Glory: Lent and Easter For Everyone. Many Sunday School classes will be using the book during Lent, but it is also appropriate for individual study. To connect with a class, contact Associate Pastor Darren DeMent or Minister to Senior Adults Katie Murray.
Resources at
■ Playlist on Spotify
■ Resource Guide on Spiritual Practices
■ Family Lenten Guide
Sacred Space each Sunday
Sundays, March 9–April 13 | 9–9:30 a.m. | McIver Chapel | Join us each Lenten Sunday for a time of quiet contemplation and spiritual practice. Each gathering will begin with a brief prompt, but the focus will be on creating space to quiet your mind and engage in the spiritual practices we’re exploring this season. All are welcome. Led by Associate Pastor Darren DeMent, Minister to Senior Adults Katie Murray and Pastoral Resident Georgia McKee.
Holy Week: Stations of the Cross
Visit McIver Chapel during Holy Week for a Stations of the Cross exhibit featuring the work of artist Scott Erickson. The exhibit, which invites us to reflect as we walk with Jesus on his journey to the cross, will be introduced on Palm Sunday, April 13, at the 9 a.m. Sacred Space gathering and will be available whenever the church is open through Good Friday, April 18, at 3 p.m.
Maundy Thursday — April 17 | 7:30 p.m. | Sanctuary
Easter Sunday — April 20
■ Sunrise Service, T. & P. Hill at White Rock Lake, 6:30 a.m.
■ Columbarium Service, 9:30 a.m.
■ Worship in the Sanctuary, 8:30 and 11 a.m.
Summer 2025 — Children and Preschool
Save the dates for these Children’s and Preschool summer events. Registration is open>
• Vacation Bible School | June 9–13 | 9 a.m.–noon. | Older preschool–grade 5
• Cooking Camp | July 7–11 | 9 a.m.–12:30 p.m. | Grades 1–5
• Listen to Your Art! | July 7–11 | 12:30–5 p.m. | Grades 1–5
• Full-day Cooking and Art available for grades 2–5
• Kindergarten & Preschool Camp | July 7–11 | 9 a.m.–noon | Older preschool–Kindergarten
• Passport Kids! Preteen Camp | July 20–23 | Overnight camp in Glen Rose, Texas for grades 3–5
Next Lunch & Learn is April 2
All are invited to Community Hall the first and third Wednesdays every month at 11:30 a.m. for lunch ($10 ea.) and Bible study. See the spring schedule at
Preschool Playdate on April 5
Preschoolers and their families are invited to have fun with science at a Preschool Playdate on Saturday, April 5, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room. Contact Minister to Preschoolers Kelly Akins ( with questions.
David Clanton art exhibit
The digital photography of Wilshire member David Clanton will be featured in “A Celebration of God’s Gift of Seeing” in the South Lobby through Easter. David says the exhibit “seeks to deepen our understanding of how we see, how we perceive and how our vision of the world is shaped by our faith in God.” The 33 images in the show combine representational and abstract elements, which David likens to “the dual nature of our sight — the physical, which connects us to the world around us, and the spiritual, which connects us to the eternal.”
Internet safety presentation
The rate of technological expansion provides us with amazing opportunities and new challenges. Wilshire member Teri Walker, who works in this ever-evolving space, will lead a presentation on Internet safety after worship on Sunday, April 6, in Community Hall. You’ll learn how to protect yourself and your information in email, social media, text messaging and more. Lunch is available for $10. Registration is encouraged, not required. This event is hosted by the Adventurers but is open to anyone. Visit to sign up.
Child safety training on April 13
Wilshire member Dawn Hallman will lead a child safety training session after worship on Sunday, April 13. The training is open to anyone but is required for those who work with kids under 18, including teachers, volunteers, parents and deacons. The training will be held after worship and will end by 2 p.m. Lunch will be provided.
Adopt-a-Book on April 6
At the Wilshire Library’s Adopt-a-Book event on Sunday, April 6, you can help the Library defray the cost of new books by purchasing a dedication in honor or memory of a loved one. Dedications will be printed on plaques placed inside the books. Not sure who to honor? The Library will have lists of teachers, children’s leaders, ministers and staff. Stop by the South Atrium from 9 to 10:45 a.m. or after worship.
Child safety training on April 13
Wilshire member Dawn Hallman will lead a child safety training session after worship on Sunday, April 13. The training is open to anyone but is required for those who work with kids under 18, including teachers, volunteers, parents and deacons. The training will be held after worship and will end by 2 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Childcare for preschoolers is available by registration; contact Minister to Preschoolers Kelly Akins ( by April 6.
Easter lily ordering
It’s time to order lilies to beautify the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday, April 20. Congregants are invited to provide the flowers in honor or memory of family members or friends, and dedications will be listed in the worship folder. Each plant costs $20; orders can be made at or in the church office. The deadline for ordering is Palm Sunday, April 13.
Men’s Book Club
The Men’s Book Club will discuss Frank Bruni’s The Age of Grievance on Tuesday, April 15, at 7 p.m. in the Parlor. Contact: Mike Meripolski or Scott Spreier.
Women of Wilshire
■ Tuesday Evening Book Club | April 8 | 6:30 p.m. | Parlor | Framed by John Grisham and Jim McClosky. Contact Debby Burton.
■ The Brown Bag Book Club has canceled its April 3 meeting and will next meet on May 1 for a discussion of Leila Meacham’s Dragonfly. Contact Carolyn Murray.
■ A WOW Mini-Retreat will be held Saturday, April 12, at the church from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Register>
■ Evening knitting group. Anyone who enjoys knitting is invited to Peggy Tinsley’s Garland home one evening each month, usually the third Thursday, to work on their projects in fellowship with others. The group is open to knitters of all skill levels. Contact Sara Tinsley for more details.
North elevator update
Wilshire is soliciting bids to replace the elevator on the north end of the building. The current elevator, which is decades old, has proven increasingly unreliable despite repeated repair attempts, and for safety reasons it will remain out of service until the new one can be installed. The process could take several weeks. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Adam’s Baskets
Wilshire’s Adam’s Baskets ministry, created in memory of Adam Malcik upon his passing in 1987 by his parents Vy and Michael Malcik, provides members the opportunity to keep our food pantry stocked. Our small pantry meets immediate needs when a neighbor stops by for assistance. Wicker baskets are located around the church, and you can place nonperishable items into a basket at any time. Proteins, peanut butter and pop-top canned goods are most needed. Items are collected from the baskets on the second Sunday each month.