Join us this Lent as we “Prepare the Way” for Christ’s resurrection. Together, we’ll journey through the wilderness of these 40 days, embracing spiritual practices that open our hearts to the sacred and prepare us for the mystery of what’s to come. In a world that often feels fractured and uncertain, these practices will ground us in the reality of God’s presence, equipping us to rise, resist, and rebuild. Like Jesus, we are called into the untamed spaces of our lives to pause, listen, and reorient ourselves toward the Divine. This Lent, let us prepare not just for Easter, but for the ongoing work of healing and hope in our world. Come, let us walk this path together, trusting that even in the wilderness, God is making a way. 

Book focus

All are invited to read along as we study N.T. Wright’s From Wilderness to Glory: Lent and Easter For Everyone. Many Sunday School classes will be using the book during Lent, but it is also appropriate for individual study. If you’d like to connect with a class, contact Darren DeMent or Katie Murray for recommendations. This new book is available at Amazon and other sellers. A family Lenten guide will be available for parents to use with children.


Wilshire’s eclectic Lenten Playlist, curated by Associate Pastor Darren DeMent, can be found on the digital music service Spotify under the name “Prepare The Way – Lent 2025.” The basic version of Spotify is free. Listen now>


■ Wilshire ministers and staff have compiled a Lenten resource guide focused on spiritual practices. The list contains book suggestions and other resources, including several for
families and children. Download or view the guide>
■ Our family Lenten guide has ideas for parents about how to engage in spiritual practices with children. Download or view the guide>

Easter lilies

It’s time to order Easter lilies to adorn the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday. Congregants are invited to provide the flowers in honor or in memory of beloved family members, friends or teachers. Dedications will be listed in the worship folder on Easter, April 20. Each plant costs $20, and orders can be made using Realm or in the church office. The deadline for inclusion in the listing is Palm Sunday, March 13. Order and pay via Realm>

Art exhibit

Through April 20 | South Lobby | The digital photography of Wilshire member David Clanton will be featured in “A Celebration of God’s Gift of Seeing” during Lent. David says the exhibit “seeks to deepen our understanding of how we see, how we perceive and how our vision of the world is shaped by our faith in God.” The 33 images in the  show combine representational and abstract elements, which David likens to “the dual nature of our sight — the physical, which connects us to the world around us, and the spiritual, which connects us to the eternal.”

Ash Wednesday

March 5 | Noon & 6 p.m. | Wilshire will offer two worship services on Ash Wednesday, March 5. Both are open to anyone and will include the imposition of ashes.
■ The first service will take place in Community Hall in conjunction with Lunch & Learn. Lunch will begin at 11:30 a.m., and the Ash Wednesday service will take the place of Bible Study, starting at noon. Lunch costs $10 each; no reservation needed.
■ An Ash Wednesday Family Service will be held at 6 p.m. in the Sanctuary. This service will be held in lieu of other 6 p.m. offerings; children are encouraged to attend. Childcare will be available for preschoolers. Koinonia Café will be offered at 5 p.m. as usual.

Sacred Space

Sundays, March 9–April 13 | 9–9:30 a.m. | McIver Chapel | Join us each Lenten Sunday for a time of quiet contemplation and spiritual practice. Each gathering will begin with a brief prompt, but the focus will be on creating space to quiet your mind and engage in the spiritual practices we’re exploring this season. All are welcome. Led by Associate Pastor Darren DeMent, Minister to Senior Adults Katie Murray and Pastoral Resident Georgia McKee.

Songwriter Vespers: John Prine

Sunday, March 23 | 4:30 p.m. | Choral Hall | This unique worship opportunity will be a fusion of a coffeehouse-style concert and a vespers service. Join Associate Pastor Darren DeMent and other musicians as they explore themes of home, connection, loss and redemption found in the music of John Prine. Coffee & light snacks provided.

Faith in 3D: In Songs and Stories

Wednesday, March 26 | 6 p.m. | Sanctuary
Saturday, March 29 | 2:30 p.m. | Sanctuary
Wilshire’s 2025 Faith in 3D production is an original vignette-styled musical. The show will feature songs, predominantly from Broadway musicals, that will not only entertain but also stimulate discussion with the potential to change individuals — and maybe the world. Admission is free. The Wednesday performance will take the place of Wilshire’s usual Wednesday faith formation offerings (childcare will be offered for preschoolers).

Holy Week: Stations of the Cross

Visit McIver Chapel during Holy Week for a Stations of the Cross exhibit featuring the work of artist Scott Erickson. The exhibit will be introduced on Palm Sunday, April 13, at the 9 a.m. Sacred Space gathering and will be available whenever the church is open through Good Friday, April 18, at 3 p.m. The powerful exhibit invites us to reflect as we walk with Jesus on his journey to the cross.

Palm Sunday

April 13 | 11 a.m. | Sanctuary | Worship will include Sanctuary Choir, Youth Choir, Children’s Choirs, Carillon Ringers and brass.

Maundy Thursday

April 17 | 7:30 p.m. | Sanctuary | Always one of the year’s most moving worship services, Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper with readings and the Lord’s Supper, then carries through to the crucifixion, ending in darkened silence. This year’s service will include music by Sanctuary Choir and Nova.

Easter Sunday, April 20

■ Sunrise Service | 6:30 a.m. | T. & P. Hill at White Rock Lake [map] | Come as you are as we greet the Easter sunrise on the shores of White Rock Lake. Offered in partnership with Northway Christian Church.
■ Worship | 8:30 & 11 a.m. | Sanctuary | The Sanctuary shutters, closed during Lent, will be opened as we celebrate the risen Christ through word and song. This glorious hour of worship will include music from Sanctuary Choir and orchestra.
■ Service of Remembrance | 9:30 a.m. | Columbarium | This brief service is geared toward those with a loved one inurned or memorialized in Wilshire’s Columbarium. Attendees are invited to gather in the Parlor starting at 9:30 a.m., and the service will begin around 9:45. 
■ Flowering Cross | Stop by Easter morning to place a flower into the mesh-wrapped wooden cross outside the Sanctuary. Bring your own fresh-cut flowers or take one from a limited supply provided by the church. A favorite photo opportunity!