Free Exercise Classes

Safety is a concern at all ages, but in older individuals it is especially important when it relates to preventing falls. More than one-third of those 65 and older fall each year, with one in 10 falls resulting in serious injury. Ten percent of ER visits and 6% of urgent hospitalizations are related to falls, and older adults who live at home and fall are at increased risk for nursing home placement. Exercise plays a vital role in preventing and recovering from injuries. As we age, we lose muscle mass, and maintaining strength in lower extremities is essential. Simple stretching exercises and walking are very effective. Beginning Oct. 16, physical therapy students from Texas Woman’s University will lead a free group exercise class at Wilshire designed to prevent falls by addressing strength and balance. The class will meet each Monday through Nov. 13 at 11 a.m. in Room 3301. Anyone can participate. Invite your friends and neighbors.

Oct. 16: General Exercise
Oct. 23: Chair Yoga
Oct. 30: Tai Chi
Nov. 6: Chair Yoga
Nov. 13: General Exercise


Nov 13 2023


11:00 am - 12:00 pm

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