End of Year Need, Nov. 30

by | Dec 1, 2023 | Stewardship

End of year need: $967,326

It seems to happen every year: we pray over, write and then adopt a budget that will guide our work together for the year. Through the course of the year, we give 75% of the budget in 11 months. Then each year we come into December needing to give more than we have ever given before to meet the budget. And then, more years than not, we give the whole budget. As near as I can tell, that has been our pattern for almost half a century. And still, the reality that we need to give $967,326 in 31 days feels daunting.

But, at least for me, if I step back from that big number, what I know is that we can do this. And if we each do our part to give gratefully, that is, if we count our blessings and decide to give thanks to the One who blessed us, we will have more than enough. I know we can give it.

If you have already given all you can for the year, thank you. Your gifts have sustained us and made possible a whole set of new means for delivering ministry to people right where they are. If you have not yet given or can give more, I pray you will do so in the next four weeks. I believe you will find real joy in being a part of all we have done together. And I hope you’ll find real peace in helping the church enter the coming year on solid ground.

We have a great challenge before us to fully give our budget, but there’s a great celebration ahead if we do so. Valerie and I are going to pray about what we can give over and above our tithe to help us get there. Would you do the same thing?

As we give, each week we will decorate this tree to show the accomplishing of this good work together.

—Timothy Peoples

For more about giving, visit wilshirebc.org/give.