Thank you for your generosity.
No matter the amount, your gifts are transforming lives inside and outside the walls of the church.
We operate from a place of abundance rather than scarcity, and we teach the biblical concept of tithing as a normative practice. Because God has been generous to us, we are generous to God’s church and to others around us.
Not all contributions look the same, though. Some are of time and energy, others of spiritual gifts and others of financial resources. All contribute meaningfully to God’s ongoing work here at Wilshire.

Ways to give
In Worship.
Place your check (payable to Wilshire Baptist Church) or cash in the offering plate during worship. Offering envelopes are available in the pew racks. We also have secure offering boxes located near each Sanctuary exit.
Online by Credit Card or E-check.
This safe and flexible option is the easiest way to give at Wilshire. You can schedule a recurring or one-time gift charged to either your debit or credit card or directly as an ACH from your checking or savings account. Click the Give button above. Anyone can give in this way. Wilshire members will be invited to set up an account in Realm, our online giving platform, where you can view your current and past gifts.
Realm Connect App.
Download Realm Connect from your device’s app store to easily make gifts and see past giving on your mobile device. Find download links and more here.
Automatic Bank Pay.
Visit your bank’s website and set up Wilshire as a payee. The bank will send the church a check.
Send to Lori Gooden’s attention at Wilshire. Write on your check if it is intended for the Unified Budget or another purpose.
Text “wilshire” and a dollar amount (example: wilshire 50) to 73256. All text gifts are applied to the Unified Budget.
Donate Stocks.
Contact Lori Gooden to learn how to donate appreciated stocks.
From your IRA.
For those over 70.5 years old, tax-free IRA gifts offer a huge financial benefit and may reduce your future tax burden.

By using our online giving platform, you acknowledge and agree that Wilshire Baptist Church, through its senior staff and the Finance Committee acting in accordance with the Bylaws, has the discretion and control to reallocate designated funds to the greatest needs or equivalent under its Unified Budget.
The Unified Budget
At Wilshire, we use a one-fund approach to giving called the Unified Budget. Your gifts support the basic mission and ministry of the church, including worship, age-graded programs, operations and local and global missions.
Once the Unified Budget is fulfilled, gifts overflow into visionary aspects of our mission. These include our Building Reserve Fund, which covers unexpected property-related expenses, and Missions Plus, which provides grants to innovative mission partners.