By Juliana Moore. Today is Pentecost Sunday, the day on which the worldwide Christian church remembers the gift of the Holy Spirit. To mark this occasion in the church year, our Sanctuary paraments and the choir stoles are red, symbolizing the tongues of flame...
Preparing for Worship: May 12, 2024
By Dorrell Brown Although I don’t do childish things anymore, my thoughts are sometimes childish, and my prayers can be, too. In my preparation for anything, prayer is usually done first, but like a child when it comes to some prayers, I’m at peace and might fall...
Preparing for Worship
A beautiful thread of love runs through our worship this morning. Our Young Musicians sing of spreading kindness, our Gospel reading reminds us to love one another and the choral offertory offers a prayer of restoration and peace to all. When we are gathered for...
Preparing for Worship
As you prepare for worship today, take a moment to reflect on what brings you here. Why do we gather for worship? What are our hopes as we open our hearts and minds for this sacred time together? Let’s explore the essence of worship. Corporate worship is a dedicated...
Preparing for Worship
Greg Garrett’s sermon has lingered in my mind and soul all week. As a parent, I’m never really certain what, if anything, my child sitting next to me is absorbing. In Greg’s closing, he reminded us that we don’t have to be so afraid. Without missing a beat, my Jimmie...
Preparing for Worship
By Scott Spreier. Breathe in ... breathe out .... If you’ve come to worship this morning under a dark cloud, you’re not alone. ’Tis the season of scapegoating; a season in which we twist Christ’s assertion that it’s “more blessed to give ...” and anoint evil and blame...
Preparing for Worship
As we come together on this Easter Day, many of us are filled with joy, hope and expectation. Some of us are here because it’s part of our tradition and culture, while a deeper understanding of the significance of this day in the Christian faith draws others. Easter...
Preparing for Worship
This morning in worship we will sing the familiar hymn When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. This hymn was written by the father of English hymnody, Isaac Watts, and is considered by many to be his crowning achievement. While originally intended as a communion hymn, it...
Preparing for Worship
Back in August my daughter started kindergarten, which means she also started joining us in the Sanctuary for worship. She had spent the previous year watching her brother go to “big church” and was so excited when it was finally her turn. She was wide-eyed and a bit...
Preparing for Worship
This week the ministers of Wilshire were on retreat in Beech Grove, Indiana, spending time deepening our relationships with each other, with God and with ourselves. It seems the overwhelming message of our time together challenged us to seek the uncovered places in...