By Timothy Peoples
There are just three more days to squeeze in those last bits of New Year’s resolutions you created almost a year ago! Some of us have stopped even trying to consider resolutions, and others make them every year without fail — even if we might fail at them.
I am one of the former. Resolutions are a great thought, but I know myself well enough to realize that gym and I do not get along with each other, no matter how much I desire a six-pack. Then there are other things I know I am steady at and do not need a resolution to make sure they are part of my life or daily routine.
In the 1964 edition of Webster’s New Practical School Dictionary — my favorite dictionary — the fourth definition of “resolution” defines it as “something resolved or decided on; a fixed determination.” I like that last part: a fixed determination. What are your mind and heart fixed upon? How have your actions shown these determinations in your life?
Our Scripture today is quite funny, concerning and inspiring. Mary and Joseph are headed back to their home, not realizing Jesus is not with them. You might be wondering how these people could not notice their child is missing. Scholars suggest going to the Passover festival was not just a hop in the car and go on down the road and back, but rather a caravan with men in the front with the cattle, donkeys and goods, women in the middle and children last. In this large grouping of people you just assumed all were accounted for and in line to go. But Jesus stays in Jerusalem, assuming his parents knew where he would be. They find him in the temple worshiping, learning and even questioning. They find him in holy space living out a holy life.
I know this is a lot to ask, but would you make a resolution to be here, mentally and physically present to what is offered and shared through worship, learning and even questioning? Will you resolve to be present with God and community? I know the trends and how often people are actually in church, but when you are here, why not be fully engaged with how the spirit is moving you and those around you to be kingdom builders and wise agents of God in the world?
I do not see this as some kind of New Year’s resolution. I see it as a soul-building and heart-reconciling move that will change us from the inside out. It is not something we try and then quit, but a life-giving purpose to ensure wisdom and knowledge.