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News & Updates

Watch this space for the latest Wilshire news. Check the Events section for information on upcoming events. You can also subscribe to our two weekly emails; Tapestry News, sent Fridays, includes news and a worship preview, while the Monday Recap has links to videos and blog posts from the prior week.

Preparing for Worship: July 21, 2024

By Juliana Moore We are in the middle of summer, aren’t we? The heat has arrived, and some of us are scattered hither and yon, as my grandmother would say. I find that these “lazy days of summer” are anything but lazy. My past month has been filled with travel and...

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I Am Wilshire: Lillie Campbell

Hometown: Walters, Oklahoma Present City: Garland Education: B.A., Oklahoma Baptist University; M.S.W., Washington University, St. Louis Profession: Longtime social worker, working mostly in private practice and hospice work. Tell us about your family. My family...

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Tanzania Transformation

Yusuph Emmanuel, founder and CEO of Twelve21 Global, provided this update about work supported by Wilshire in Tanzania. This photo captures 230 parents and pastors of our students on Kome Island who were provided a five-day training on Community Transformation (CT)....

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I Am Wilshire: Ann Hamm

Hometown: Beaumont. I grew up in West Texas, in and around Odessa. Present City: Mesquite Education: A.D. Nursing, Odessa College; B.S.N. Dallas Baptist University; Hands On Therapy massage school Profession: Practicing massage therapist and retired R.N. Tell us about...

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Preparing for Worship: July 14, 2024

By R.G. Huff I have to admit that I did not choose to write this preparation for worship based on the Gospel reading from which Timothy is preaching today. While the Richard Strauss ballet Salome is based on it, the beheading of Jesus’ cousin is not one of those...

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Preparing for Worship: July 7, 2024

By Timothy Peoples It was 14 years ago this week when a church much like Wilshire allowed me to preach as their pastoral intern. I was a junior in college, afraid as all get-out and not fully ready to preach at the 8:30 and 11 o’clock worship services. The only thing...

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