A Word of Caution on COVID

by | Jun 24, 2022 | COVID-19

A word of caution on COVID – Linda Garner, Parish Nurse.


As the parish nurse at Wilshire, one of my primary concerns is the health and wellness of our congregation, and while I know we are all tired of hearing about COVID, we need to remember that it is still prevalent. We are seeing more staff and congregants who are testing positive, and while all have recovered, being sick and having to isolate still has its costs.

As we get further into the summer, it’s understandable that many of us are wanting to get out and travel or participate in activities that have been limited.

The newest variant is highly communicable, even if symptoms may not be severe. And symptoms are such that you may think you are having an allergic reaction or a summer cold.

Let me encourage you to be tested if you have been exposed or have any cold-like symptoms. Personally, I thought I just had developed a summer cold, especially after my first test result was negative. After a day or two of feeling miserable, I decided to test again and was positive.

So here’s my advice: please be careful and follow precautions as needed. And if you’re feeling sick, it may be wise to stay home.