Wilshire Voter Drive

by | Aug 26, 2022 | Feature

Wilshire hosting voter registration drive, Sept. 4.

Wilshire will host a voter registration drive Sunday, Sept. 4, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Volunteer Deputy Registrars will be in James Gallery, the South Atrium and the third-floor coffee bar to provide assistance and information regarding voting and redistricting.

Registering to vote or changing your voting address should only take five minutes and cannot be done online. If you know someone who needs to register or update their address but can’t attend Sept. 4, stop by to pick up official pre-stamped registration forms. Forms are free, so take as many as you like for your family, office, etc.

If you’ve voted before, don’t assume you’re still on the voting rolls. Registration is permanent, but you can fall off the rolls if:

■ You failed to vote in any election the past two years. If you didn’t vote in 2020 and haven’t voted since, you should re-register.
■ You did not respond after your county tried to reach you via mail to verify you live in your county. You must update your home address when you move to a new address inside your home county.

The State of Texas has been purging voters from its rolls in the past three months without a clear reason being offered. Go to this website to ensure you and your family members (if you know their birthdate) are still registered to vote: https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do

If your status is not listed as active, make sure to register at church on Sept. 4. The deadline to register is Oct. 11 — but pretend it’s right now and get it done. Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8.

Why Christians should vote

■ Voting recognizes the equality of all people and their right to speak and be heard. (Deuteronomy 10:17-19)
■ It is one way we can obey God’s command to seek the good of those around us and our nation as a whole. (Jeremiah 29:5-6)
■ It shows that we care deeply about who our leaders are as we are urged to offer prayer and intercession on their behalf. (1 Timothy 2:1-2)
■ It is a simple yet significant way we can do something about politics in our nation. “All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing,” Edmund Burke. (Psalms 34:14)
■ It makes a difference the way a grain of salt makes a difference, and that is how we are to influence our society for good. (Matthew 5:13)
■ It is a privilege not to be taken for granted. Those of us who reap the benefits of living in a democracy should play a part in upholding democracy.
■ Not voting is a form of voting, as it will influence the outcome. We need to take responsibility for our actions, as well as our lack of actions. (Luke 10:25-37)
■ Voting is part of our stewardship to use all the resources we have been given in ways that honor God; to waste a vote is to squander a gift.

Source: christiansinpolitics.org.uk

Thanks to Wilshire member Jeanne Spreier for compiling the information above.