Missions & Advocacy

Serving our neighbors. Seeking justice.

At Wilshire, we believe in God’s calling toward both service and justice—feeding the hungry but also asking what causes hunger in a world of plenty. Through collaborative partnerships, we want to know if there exists a way we can help move the needle toward wholeness and healing. Wilshire works in partnership with many faith-based nonprofits locally, nationally and globally that are addressing hunger, education, maternal mortality, housing insecurity, migration and more. Sometimes these partnerships take us to downtown Dallas, to our state’s capitol, to rural Mississippi or even as far as Tanzania. Wherever we go, we go hoping to create a more inclusive and loving world through using our hands, feet and voices.

Local Partners

Abide Women’s Health Services

The mission of Abide Women’s Health Services is to improve birth outcomes in communities with the lowest quality of care by offering healthcare and community resources that are easily accessible, holistic, evidence-based and free from judgment.

Cornerstone Baptist Church

Cornerstone has ministered to South Dallas and Fair Park for more than 40 years, offering services to vulnerable children and youth as well as those experiencing homelessness. You can volunteer with their children and youth programs or serve as a group in their clothing closet or kitchen.

Dallas Advocacy Eviction Center

Dallas Advocacy Eviction Center empowers Dallas County tenants to maintain housing security by providing pro bono legal assistance.

Empowering the Masses

The mission of Empowering the Masses is to build stronger communities through empowering citizens to live to their full potential through access to financial resources, vocational training, core skills development and advocacy promotion.

Gaston Christian Center

Gaston Christian Center in northeast Dallas houses multiple congregations and a variety of faith-based social service and education organizations. Opportunities include helping with special events, facilities upkeep and simply being a welcoming presence.

Gateway of Grace

Gateway of Grace is an ecumenical effort to connect churches and individuals with refugees from around the world who find their way to Dallas and need someone to show them the love of God through service and friendship. Volunteers assist with transportation, teach English and cultural awareness, host baby showers for refugee families, assist with special events and befriend refugees.

Genesis provides emergency shelter, safety counseling, play therapy and transitional housing free of charge to women and girls experiencing violence. Engaging in God’s mission through serving alongside mission partners can be as easy as preparing a hot breakfast once a month. Other opportunities include working with children, assisting with resumé writing and helping in the Genesis office or thrift store.

Light of Hope advocates for and provides services to low-income immigrants who need assistance with immigration-related matters.

Prison Entrepreneurship Program connects executives, entrepreneurs and MBA students with convicted felons to unlock human potential through entrepreneurial passion, education and mentoring. Volunteers mentor and advise participants through the process of creating and promoting small businesses. Mentors also help graduates with the re-entry process. Groups may donate men’s clothing or make dinners for PEP’s transitional house.
White Rock Center of Hope is an ecumenical organization supported by a coalition of civic groups, corporations, individuals and more than 50 congregations to provide emergency-aid services — including food, clothing and rent/utility assistance — to residents in East Dallas. Volunteer opportunities include sorting donations, assisting and greeting clients upon arrival and interviewing clients in need of assistance.
Wilkinson Center exists to transform the lives of Dallas families by providing pathways to self-sufficiency with dignity and respect, providing emergency services to those in need while also providing developmental opportunities. Volunteer opportunities include working in their food pantry or computer lab or helping with career development training, children’s programs or art classes for senior citizens.

State & National Partners

CBF Texas is the state expression of Wilshire’s global missions partner, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Working with other Baptist organizations and ecumenical networks, CBF Texas strives to form a fellowship of Christians that are contemplatively oriented, missionally engaged and multiculturally competent.

Delta Hands for Hope is a non-profit organization whose mission is to strengthen and enhance local community assets related to education, spiritual development, health and recreation of school-aged children in the Mississippi Delta and surrounding areas.

Fellowship Southwest is a nontraditional network of Christians loving our neighbors with compassion and justice while crossing borders and pushing beyond boundaries. Fellowship Southwest provides opportunities for churches and individuals to engage in missions and advocacy around hunger, racial justice, indigenous topics and immigration.

Pastors for Texas Children is a ministry that serves Texas public schools through prayer, service and advocacy. They support schools by initiating school assistance programs with local congregations, promoting social justice for children and advancing legislation that puts the needs of Texas children, families and communities first. 

Together for Hope is a rural development coalition engaging the 338 counties of persistent rural poverty in America. They believe assets-based community development is the best first step in fighting poverty in rural space and work with communities in order to hear their dreams and begin to take steps toward those visions. Within these communities, Together for Hope holistically fights poverty focusing on four priorities of hope: Education, Health & Nutrition, Housing & Environment and Social Enterprise.

Global Missions

Wilshire’s primary partner in global missions is the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, a network of churches united for the purpose of missions and fellowship. CBF Global Missions mobilizes field personnel to share the love and compassion of Jesus Christ in more than 30 countries and regions worldwide. Responding to God’s call and empowered by the Holy Spirit, field personnel cultivate beloved community, bear witness to Jesus Christ and seek transformational development among people who have been forgotten and forsaken by others. Our field personnel serve alongside congregations and local ministry partners.

Associate Pastor

Heather Mustain

Missions and Advocacy Coordinator

Abbey Adcox