Parish Nurse

Wilshire’s parish nurse, Linda Garner, R.N., Ph.D., coordinates health and wellness ministries and serves as a resource for members and staff.
Linda, who taught nursing for more than 40 years at Baylor University School of Nursing, is available for blood pressure monitoring, health consultations, health education and medical referrals. She offers first aid and CPR training, maintains Wilshire’s 10 defibrillators and keeps a supply of donated equipment — wheelchairs, crutches, shower chairs, etc. — to loan to those with a short-term need.
On-site schedule
Mondays: 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. or by appointment
Tuesdays: 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. or by appointment
Wednesdays: 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Thursdays: by appointment
Fridays: by appointment
Linda is available for consultation via telephone or email at all times.
Linda’s mobile number is kept at the church reception desk.
Why a parish nurse?
Nursing and hospitals as we know them grew out of religious tradition. Early monasteries had hospitals to care for the sick and injured within their walls. Members of religious orders, both Protestant and Catholic, were responsible for nursing duties.
Florence Nightingale, founder of the nursing profession, believed nurses were called by God to care for others. She believed prayer was an important part of care of the sick. She recognized that one’s relationship with God plays an essential part in a person’s well-being and thus to recovery from illness or acceptance of one’s limitations.
Nurses have followed Nightingale’s lead in focusing on the whole person — physical, psychological, social and spiritual. A problem in one of these areas influences the others. We recognize that not feeling well physically can result in not feeling or functioning well psychologically. For example, the person with a severe headache or toothache is usually more irritable than she would be if she were not experiencing pain.
Parish nursing (also known as faith community nursing) is the nursing specialty that gives emphasis to the connection of body, mind and spirit within a person. Efforts are directed to helping individuals achieve and maintain wholeness. Recognition that the inner core of the person is the spirit is key. Healing comes in many different forms. For some, healing is recovery from an illness or injury; for others, healing is making peace with one’s self, God or others, or finding acceptance of the trials of life.
Garner Marks 20 Years as Parish Nurse
Linda Garner celebrated her 20-year anniversary as Wilshire’s parish nurse in February 2023. “The whole premise of parish nursing is the connection of body, mind and spirit,” Linda said. “If you’re not healthy in one, you’re probably not healthy in another.”