Preparing for worship

by | Jun 30, 2023 | Preparing For Worship

Preparing for worship – Timothy Peoples, senior pastor.

I remember as a child singing the song, “God wants somebody that’s real. Somebody that’s saved and sanctified and Holy Ghost-filled.” One particular Sunday, my uncle entered the pulpit to preach a sermon titled “Be Ready for Every Good Work.” His message was a reminder to us as Christians of our calling to not sit idle, but to go in the world and work. However, here is the kicker: we must make ourselves available to God to do this good work. And we must be honest with ourselves and our community about what we need in order to go out and do the work.

So, today’s Preparing for Worship is a little different. I want you to use the blank space below and answer the question, “What do you need?” What is your heart desiring and yearning for? Whether it is through the big “C” Church or even Wilshire Baptist Church.

This is not a time to offer complaints; I am happy to receive those through email. But as we prepare for worship, it is a time to inwardly assess yourself. As you enter through the doors and sit in these pews, what is the state of your heart, mind and soul?

When the offering plate is passed, please tear off what you’ve written and put it into the plate. The associate pastors and I will read and even pray over each submission.