New Safety Measures

by | Jul 1, 2022 | Tapestry News

New safety measures adopted


Wilshire’s Risk Management and Building and Grounds committees, together with our new director of operations, Merik Gillett, recently met to discuss enhanced measures the church could implement for the safety and well-being of our congregation. While of course we never want to think about the worst, in today’s age it is becoming more and more necessary to make sure we have a proactive stance.

One of the measures voted on and approved is the hiring of an off-duty police officer to be present on campus during Sunday morning activities; this has been found to be one of the most effective deterrents to threatening activity. We will also continue to have our security company present on Wednesday evenings and on an as-needed basis for other programming. This transition will be made around mid-July.

Other safety enhancements include the purchasing of safety equipment to better equip our children’s hallway, updated safety sheet instructions in classrooms and offices, the establishment of a group text notification through our online system Realm, and other measures that will be communicated as they are finalized.

Questions? Feel free to reach out to Merik at 214-452-3146 or