New role on staff for Geri McKenzie

by | May 5, 2023 | Feature

New role on staff for Geri McKenzie.

Geri McKenzie, a Wilshire staff member since 2005, has begun a new role as Wilshire’s Executive Director of Administration. She will be transitioning away from her position as associate director of Pathways to Ministry.

Geri will have supervisory responsibilities in finance, operations and IT — areas overseen by Doug Haney since 2020. Geri will also oversee hospitality, the library and serve as staff liaison to Wilshire’s Early Childhood Learning Center. She will continue serving as human resources specialist, work she began in 2022.

Senior Pastor Timothy Peoples said, “Geri not only has the skill set and background, but she has a deep love for Wilshire. This move will not only allow our associate pastors to focus more on their areas, but will also allow more dedicated attention to the business and administration side of the church.”

Timothy continued, “The Personnel Committee and I have been in deep thought about the best ways of organizing and structuring the Wilshire team, especially in the midst of much transition.” Personnel Committee chair Pat Cullum added, “Geri will bring continuity and professionalism to this vital role.”

Geri will continue to supervise Pastoral Resident John Kelly until he completes his time at Wilshire, and she will manage interns this summer. In March Wilshire announced that new residents will not be called in 2023 as the Pathways program undergoes a process of evaluation. This process will include determination of future staffing needs.

Pathways Director George Mason says, “What a fitting thing to celebrate Geri’s promotion to this new role! In our Pathways work, which she so ably managed with our residents and interns, we took joy in every step up and forward they took. And now Geri herself is being recognized for her gifts and faithfulness with new and greater responsibilities. Pathways is indebted to her careful stewardship, and we know she will be cheering us on as we take our next steps in this journey of training the next generation of pastors. On a personal note, I have been blessed to have had Geri as a close partner in this work for so long. I am forever grateful to her and for her.”