Wilshire’s Preschool Ministry
Nurturing young hearts in God’s love.

Sunday mornings
Sunday School
Preschool Sunday School teachers begin by teaching the simple Bible truths that God loves us. The ministry applies positive Bible teachings that relate to your child’s daily experiences, which in turn lay foundations for continuing spiritual growth. Sunday School starts at 9:45 a.m., and our preschool classes meet in a secure hallway.
Worship Care is provided for preschoolers during worship. This is staffed by both paid personnel and church volunteers who love children. As children enter kindergarten, they begin attending worship with their parents. Each fall, a special class in worship education is offered for incoming kindergartners.

Music & Missions
Older preschoolers, ages 3 and 4, engage in preschool choir and other activities on Wednesday nights at 6 p.m. during the school year. It’s part of Wednesday Night Live, which begins with dinner for the whole family at 5 p.m. in Community Hall.
Summer Events for Preschoolers

Vacation Bible School
VBS creates opportunities for preschoolers to learn more about the Bible and their place in God’s world. A wide range of hands-on activities opens the door to learning while having a good time. Usually held one week in June from 9 a.m. to noon. Free.

Preschool camp
This camp is similar to Vacation Bible School but is just for preschoolers and kindergarteners. Recent themes of this camp have included “I Can Be a Good Friend” and “I Love My Family.”
Wilshire MomCo
Formerly known as MOPS, Wilshire MomCo offers encouragement, spiritual nourishment and fellowship to mothers of children ages birth through kindergarten. This is an international movement, and Wilshire’s group has been going strong since 1997. MomCo meets during the school year on designated Friday mornings. Learn more >
Adoption & Foster Care Ministry
Wilshire’s Adoption and Foster Care Ministry seeks to build a community of encouragement and support with adults and children who come together through adoption and foster care. During the school year we offer foster and adoptive families a monthly Parents Nights Out with childcare for infants through grade 6. Biological children in these families are also welcome.