I Am Wilshire: Laura Smith

by | Aug 6, 2023 | I Am Wilshire

Hometown: Austin, but grew up in San Antonio
Present City: Plano
Education: BS in education, specialized in reading

Tell us about your family.
I am married to Dennis, and we have two children. Our daughter, Amanda, is a CPA and married to Mike Doran. They have two children, John and Charlie. We are fortunate that they live in Dallas where we can attend soccer games, hip- hop performances and school events. Our son, Kyle, is living the dream in California. He is a software engineer who loves museums, libraries and hiking. I love the beautiful photos he sends me while hiking.

How about your work or volunteer life?
My passion and work have been in education. I taught primarily elementary school, although I taught middle school algebra while living in Knoxville, Tennessee. I found my niche in teaching a gifted and talented math class of fourth and fifth graders. Although I’m retired, I work for the school from which I retired in different capacities, from working with small groups of children with learning differences to short-term placements in a classroom.

Any favorite hobbies?
I love to read fiction and nonfiction, and I’m a member of a book group in Plano that I thoroughly enjoy. I dabble in knitting, and I love to bake and chat with friends and family.

What are your favorite places to travel?
I’ve been able to travel to some lovely places, each unique in culture and beauty. Some of the places I love are the Amalfi Coast, Scandinavia, Budapest, the Bavarian countryside and Prague.

What brought you to Wilshire and when?
When Dennis and I moved to Plano in 2000, we wanted to attend a healthy CBF church. We did some research and found Wilshire. We loved George’s sermons and the people.

Where are you engaged at Wilshire?
I co-direct the Foundations of Faith Class, serve as a deacon and am a member of the Pathways to Ministry committee.

What has surprised you most about Wilshire?
I have been struck by the attention paid to learning and personal spiritual growth.

What do you think God is up to in your life right now?
God is helping me to grow in my understanding of justice and mercy.

Tell us about your faith journey.
I was baptized at age 5 and grew into my faith. I’ve grown in my faith exponentially over the past 23 years at Wilshire. I believe God and I are continuing that journey of love and faith.

What adjectives best describe you?
Loyal, lifelong learner, conscientious, welcoming, collaborator.

*If you are interested in being featured in an upcoming I Am Wilshire feature, contact Carolyn Murray (cmurray@wilshirebc.org)

Tell us about your family.
I am married to Dennis, and we have two children. Our daughter, Amanda, is a CPA and married to Mike Doran. They have two children, John and Charlie. We are fortunate that they live in Dallas where we can attend soccer games, hip- hop performances and school events. Our son, Kyle, is living the dream in California. He is a software engineer who loves museums, libraries and hiking. I love the beautiful photos he sends me while hiking.

How about your work or volunteer life?
My passion and work have been in education. I taught primarily elementary school, although I taught middle school algebra while living in Knoxville, Tennessee. I found my niche in teaching a gifted and talented math class of fourth and fifth graders. Although I’m retired, I work for the school from which I retired in different capacities, from working with small groups of children with learning differences to short-term placements in a classroom.

Any favorite hobbies?
I love to read fiction and nonfiction, and I’m a member of a book group in Plano that I thoroughly enjoy. I dabble in knitting, and I love to bake and chat with friends and family.

What are your favorite places to travel?
I’ve been able to travel to some lovely places, each unique in culture and beauty. Some of the places I love are the Amalfi Coast, Scandinavia, Budapest, the Bavarian countryside and Prague.

What brought you to Wilshire and when?
When Dennis and I moved to Plano in 2000, we wanted to attend a healthy CBF church. We did some research and found Wilshire. We loved George’s sermons and the people.

Where are you engaged at Wilshire?
I co-direct the Foundations of Faith Class, serve as a deacon and am a member of the Pathways to Ministry committee.

What has surprised you most about Wilshire?
I have been struck by the attention paid to learning and personal spiritual growth.

What do you think God is up to in your life right now?
God is helping me to grow in my understanding of justice and mercy.

Tell us about your faith journey.
I was baptized at age 5 and grew into my faith. I’ve grown in my faith exponentially over the past 23 years at Wilshire. I believe God and I are continuing that journey of love and faith.

What adjectives best describe you?
Loyal, lifelong learner, conscientious, welcoming, collaborator.

*If you are interested in being featured in an upcoming I Am Wilshire feature, contact Carolyn Murray (cmurray@wilshirebc.org)