I Am Wilshire: Kim Mason

by | May 26, 2023 | I Am Wilshire

I Am Wilshire – Kim Mason.

Hometown: Miami;
Present City: Dallas;
Education: BS, Loyola University New Orleans;
Profession: Dental hygienist

Tell us about your family.
George and I have three grown children — all with wonderful spouses — and six (almost seven) grandkids.

How about your work or volunteer life?
I’m retired from cleaning teeth. I volunteer at the Holocaust Museum as a visitor’s guide and look for opportunities at church to help.

Any favorite hobbies?
Professional piddler, walking for exercise, hiking, biking, reading, gardening, organizing anything people let me. I’m new to the Pickleball craze.

Favorite places to travel?
I love Italy, but anyplace I can get my whole family together becomes a favorite place.

What brought you to Wilshire and when?
I tagged along with George in 1989 when Wilshire brought him in to be the pastor.

Where are you engaged at Wilshire?
I’ve been involved in lots of things over the years. Right now I attend Shiloh for Sunday School when I am not teaching preschoolers.

What surprised you most about Wilshire?
I had always heard that pastor’s kids were the ones always causing trouble, but I’m pleased to say my kids blended in and felt loved and cared for by the congregation rather than judged. We give you, Wilshire, a lot of credit for their continued love of the church and their involvement in their own churches in San Antonio and Oklahoma City.

What do you think God is up to in your life right now?
Definitely lessons in patience and compassion.

Tell us about your faith journey.
I didn’t grow up in church, so I was way behind in knowing basic Bible stories and what it meant to be involved in church as a congregant, much less a pastor’s wife. I had amazing role models in Melinda Yeary, Rosemary Wade and Lawanna McIver, who all said “just be you.” I decided to teach preschoolers so that I could learn Bible stories along with them. I’m still learning while I teach. Wilshire has been a great place for me to do that.

What’s something interesting most people would not know about you?
I won the Presidential Fitness Award in 6th grade for breaking the record for the arm flex hang. You’d never guess that was possible if you saw my saggy triceps now.

What adjectives best describe you?
Lighthearted, attentive, easy to talk to, present and concise.

*If you are interested in being featured in an upcoming I Am Wilshire feature, contact Carolyn Murray(cmurray@wilshirebc.org)