I Am Wilshire: Jenny Wolff

by | Jun 2, 2023 | I Am Wilshire

I Am Wilshire – Jenny Wolff.

Hometown & Present City: Dallas;
Education: BS child development, University of Arkansas; BS nursing, UTMB; MS nursing administration, Texas Tech
Profession: Lead triage nurse at Pediatric Associates of Dallas

Tell us about your family.
My parents, Jim and Katie, live in Old Lake Highlands. I’m an only child but have a few fur siblings. My fur children are Ruby, Charlie and Goldie, all rescues from Dallas Pets Alive.

How about your work or volunteer life?
Professionally, I’m a nurse. My passion is animal welfare, and in my spare time I’m the medical director for Dallas Pets Alive, overseeing care for animals in their foster program — about 150 at any given time.

Favorite hobbies?
I enjoy pottery and have taken classes for four years.

Favorite place to travel?
My favorite trips thus far have been an Alaskan cruise and a trip with friends to Italy.

What brought you to Wilshire and when?
I visited with the Pumphreys when I was in elementary school. I started coming regularly in 5th grade and left only briefly while in college.

Where are you engaged at Wilshire?
I co-direct Ithaka Class, chair Committee on Committees, serve as a deacon and chaperone Youth Choir trips. I go on mission trips whenever I can.

What has surprised you about Wilshire?
Seeing young adults in leadership. When I was a youth I don’t remember seeing many young faces in the deacon body or in leadership roles. I’m thankful we have a seat at the table.

What do you think God is up to in your life right now?
As an Enneagram 2, I’m usually volunteering for something. I think God is telling me it’s OK to slow down and enjoy the still moments.

Tell us about your faith journey.
I didn’t realize how wonderful Wilshire truly is until I lived elsewhere for college. Once I returned, I wanted to make sure it was a place young adults felt welcome to come home to. Ithaka started with three people and we’ve grown to about 28, only about a third of whom grew up here. I’m proud of the hard work it took to build our group. Being part of a community that loves and supports each other is a beautiful living example of Christ’s love.

Something interesting most people would not know about you?
I’ve fostered 27 dogs, most of them seniors or with complex medical needs, with Dallas Pets Alive since April 2020. Fun fact: the Meripolskis adopted my very first foster! You can follow my pack’s rescue journey: @wolffpack20 on social media.

What adjectives describe you?
Passionate, loyal, creative.

*If you are interested in being featured in an upcoming I Am Wilshire feature, contact Carolyn Murray(cmurray@wilshirebc.org)