I Am Wilshire: Carla Siegesmund

by | Oct 27, 2023 | I Am Wilshire

Hometown: Originally from Joshua, Texas;
Present City: Dallas;
Education: Baylor University, B.B.A. in Accounting; Southern Methodist University, Bachelor of Music in Piano Pedagogy;
Profession: Certified Public Accountant;

Tell us about your family. 
I am married to Rudy, a retired patent attorney. My daughter, Olivia, and her husband, Trenton, live in Houston and are expecting their first child in the spring. My son, Kenneth, lives in Houston and works in IT for a defense contractor after serving seven years in the U.S. Navy. Our family also includes two corgis, Cody and Carol.

How about your work or volunteer life?
I retired from accounting four years ago and returned to the workforce in 2022 as a consultant on a part-time basis. I serve as a volunteer treasurer for two harp organizations and on the investment committee for a national harp organization.

Favorite hobbies?
I love to play the harp! In addition to playing for worship services and weddings, I have provided therapeutic harp music at hospitals, nursing homes and in hospice situations. I also enjoy opera, reading, knitting, hiking and kayaking.

What are your favorite places to travel?
My husband and I enjoy traveling to Colorado, Scotland and Norway. We look forward to our annual summer trip to New Mexico to attend the Santa Fe Opera.

What brought you to Wilshire and when?
My husband and I admired Dr. Mason’s compassionate response to the Ebola crisis and the church’s reputation as a caring community of faith. We were drawn to the traditional service format, sacred music and traditional hymns. We began visiting Wilshire in the fall of 2018 and joined in 2019.

Where are you engaged at Wilshire?
I am a member of the Cord of Three Class, Sanctuary Choir, substitute in Carillon Ringers, assist with the WOW Tuesday Evening Book Club and serve on the Weekday Education Committee.

What do you think God is up to in your life right now?
God is drawing me nearer by instilling a desire for his Word, prayer, sacred music and fellowship with other believers. I am seeking direction for how I can best serve God at this stage of my life.

What’s something interesting most people would not know about you?
I played the harp in a boat on the Sea of Galilee.

What adjectives best describe you?
Determined, focused, conscientious, diligent, detail-oriented, friendly, caring, talkative, fun and loves to laugh.

*If you are interested in being featured in an upcoming I Am Wilshire feature, contact Carolyn Murray (cmurray@wilshirebc.org)