George Mason sermon book due in June

by | May 5, 2023 | Feature

George Mason sermon book due in June.

The book project announced on George Mason’s final Sunday as Wilshire’s senior pastor now has an official title, cover design and release date. Pastoral residency alum Ann Bell Worley provided this update on behalf of the team that has been working to bring the book to fruition:

“There have been several exciting developments in the months since we announced George’s surprise retirement gift, a book of his sermons curated from 33 years of ministry at Wilshire. As was our intention, George joined the process, and we began working with Front Edge Publishing to help shape the book into final form.

“While it began as a celebration of George’s time at Wilshire, what has emerged in this collection of sermons is a significant contribution to Christian theology and preaching and a compelling model for the church in the world today. We are thrilled to give you a sneak peek of the cover. The new title of the book, The Word Made Fresh: Preaching God’s Love for Every Body, better captures its significance for Wilshire and beyond. As promised, there is a book on reserve for every Wilshire member household.”

The book’s official release date is June 27, but George will be holding book signing events at Wilshire earlier in June. “Wilshire, you have played an important role in the formation of this work,” Ann says. “Thank you for being who you are and for sharing the Wilshire way with the world.”

Others on the book project team are Wilshire member Gail Brookshire and residency alums Jake Hall and Julie Merritt Lee.