Friday Friends resumes, seeks volunteers

by | Sep 3, 2021 | Uncategorized

Friday Friends resumes, seeks volunteers

Friday Friends has resumed in-person meetings and is seeking additional volunteers. The ministry provides a twice-monthly time of respite for caregivers of loved ones with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia.

Friday Friends meets at Wilshire the second and fourth Fridays every month. The current schedule is 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. When Wilshire resumes food service, lunch will be served and Friday Friends will end at 2 p.m.

Friday Friends is fully run by volunteers from Wilshire and the community. It is funded through grants, the church budget and donations from participants and the community. For the third year in a row, Friday Friends has been awarded a $2,500 grant from the AWARE Foundation. The funds will be used to purchase consumable supplies and bring in professional programs such as music and movement therapy.

To learn more about volunteering or participating in Friday Friends, contact coordinator Marilyn Morgan at 214-662-9451 or