Tapestry News

Current News

Note: This page is generally updated on Fridays. Time with Tim on Feb. 23Time with Tim, an informal chance for guests and new members to meet and chat with Senior Pastor Timothy Peoples, will be held Sunday, Feb. 23, at 9:45 a.m. in Timothy’s office. Contact: Carolyn...

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Wilshire and Royal Lane collaboration

Wilshire and Royal Lane Baptist Church of Dallas will collaborate by swapping worship leadership on two February Sundays. Congregants are encouraged to attend their respective churches both weeks. “By participating in this swap with our most like-minded local sister...

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Wilshire adopts Godly Play

By Kelly Akins, Minister to Preschoolers Today is the first Sunday of ordinary time in the liturgical calendar, and the paraments are green. In the preschool area, we are introducing a new curriculum for our older preschoolers called Godly Play, which centers around...

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Coaching with Charlie Fuller

Wilshire offers a variety of caring ministries, including Stephen Ministry and Care Teams. You can also find the Grief and Loss Center of North Texas and the Center for Integrative Counseling and Psychology under our roof. Along with these resources, Coach in...

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Friday Friends grant renewed

For the sixth consecutive year, Friday Friends has received a grant from the AWARE Fund at the Dallas Foundation. The $3,000 grant will be used in 2025 for supplies and to bring in professional programs such as neurologic music therapy and Texas Winds Musical...

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Order poinsettias

Help decorate the Sanctuary for Advent by ordering a poinsettia in honor or in memory of a loved one. Dedications will be listed in the worship folder on Sunday, Dec. 8. Each plant costs $14, and donors may take them home after Christmas Eve services. Order by Dec. 1...

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Changes coming to Library

Starting in mid-September, the Wilshire Library will be temporarily closed for the installation of state-of-the-art steel shelving donated from Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Librarian Barbara Peterson explained that the Shawnee, Kansas, seminary was looking to...

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Preparing for Worship

Preparing for Worship - Angela Brindle. I am so grateful for the Bible verses that I memorized when I was in elementary school. They stick with me better than any Scripture I’ve tried to memorize since. One of these passages was Romans 8:38–39: “For I am convinced...

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New Safety Measures

New safety measures adopted   Wilshire’s Risk Management and Building and Grounds committees, together with our new director of operations, Merik Gillett, recently met to discuss enhanced measures the church could implement for the safety and well-being of our...

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Canned Food Drive

  Canned Food Drive 2020.  In lieu of our traditional Thanksgiving Food Sacks, Wilshire is collecting canned goods to benefit our mission partner White Rock Center of Hope. Items should to be delivered to the church by Wednesday, Nov. 18. Donations will be...

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