the latest from wilshire

News & Updates

Watch this space for the latest Wilshire news. Check the Events section for information on upcoming events. You can also subscribe to our two weekly emails; Tapestry News, sent Fridays, includes news and a worship preview, while the Monday Recap has links to videos and blog posts from the prior week.

Preparing for Worship

Last Sunday evening I spoke at a CBF Oklahoma event. I rarely make my way up north, but when I do I make sure to stop and see my grandmother. I decided to surprise her for lunch. She did her usual, “You couldn’t call so I could at least have my teeth in?” As we sat at...

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I Am Wilshire: R.G. Huff

Hometown: Pigeon Forge, Tennessee; Present City: Waxahachie; Education: Bachelor’s in biblical studies, Carson Newman University; master’s in church music/worship, Southwestern Seminary; Profession: Retired from 48 years in local church music ministry; currently...

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Preparing for Worship

Last week we began a three-week emphasis, “The Stewardship of Memory,” and Timothy asked us to think about our favorite Wilshire memories. My mind has been wandering ever since and recalling moments from my time at Wilshire and throughout my life of faith. Many of my...

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I Am Wilshire: Carla Siegesmund

Hometown: Originally from Joshua, Texas; Present City: Dallas; Education: Baylor University, B.B.A. in Accounting; Southern Methodist University, Bachelor of Music in Piano Pedagogy; Profession: Certified Public Accountant; Tell us about your family.  I am married to...

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Memory Quilt

By: Juliana Moore.  In the summer of 1994, John Brashier was Wilshire’s new youth minister. I was involved in the singles ministry and had just started graduate school, and I think Brashier was just desperate to find people who had free time in the summer to go to...

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Wilshire Sings: Music helps form and reform faith

Today is Reformation Sunday, the day we remember the brave leadership of a Catholic monk who sparked a religious movement known as the Reformation in the year 1517. That monk, Martin Luther, was an accomplished musician as well as a theologian. As the Reformation...

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