the latest from wilshire
News & Updates
Watch this space for the latest Wilshire news. Check the Events section for information on upcoming events. You can also subscribe to our two weekly emails; Tapestry News, sent Fridays, includes news and a worship preview, while the Monday Recap has links to videos and blog posts from the prior week.
Pathways Changes Announced
For most of this year, the Pathways to Ministry Committee, in consultation with Senior Pastor Timothy Peoples and Pathways Director George Mason, has been evaluating Wilshire’s pastoral residency program with a view toward how best to shape its work in forming young...
End of Year Need, Nov. 30
End of year need: $967,326 It seems to happen every year: we pray over, write and then adopt a budget that will guide our work together for the year. Through the course of the year, we give 75% of the budget in 11 months. Then each year we come into December needing...
Preparing for Worship
Today we begin the season of Advent. One of my favorite worship elements during this season is the children processing down the aisle at the beginning of each service with the various pieces to build our nativity scene. Each week a new element is added and gradually,...
I Am Wilshire: Dennis Smith
Hometown: Tyler Present City: Plano Education: BS Electrical Engineering and MSEE from UT-Austin Profession: Engineer Tell us about your family. Laura and I were married for 49 years in June. Our daughter, Amanda, is married to Mike Dorn, and they live in Dallas. They...
Preparing for Worship
By Katie Murray. Today is Christ the King Sunday. A relatively recent addition to the liturgical calendar, it was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925. Pius wrote in his encyclical "Quas primas" (In the first), addressing the new feast day, that God “must reign in our...
Preparing for Worship
Hot take: My least favorite thing about this upcoming holiday season is the American cultural understanding of what is appropriate to eat on Thanksgiving and Christmas. If I’m honest, I’d rather have Mariano’s fajitas for Thanksgiving and Jimmy’s lasagna for...