Wilshire Serves Week—March 15 – 21.
In place of our typical Spring Break mission trip, we are encouraging everyone to find ways this week to show love to each other and to our community. Our activities may still be a bit limited, but Wilshire’s love is abundant. Below are some ideas on how to be intentional with the week ahead. Challenge your family and friends to participate with you! Share your daily act of service and your photos with us by tagging us on social media with #wbcserves or email them to Abbey Adcox at aadcox@wilshirebc.org.
Monday: Show Love to Yourself
- Go for a walk and breathe deeply.
- Write down 5 things you like about yourself.
- Take a moment for silence and prayer.
Tuesday: Show Love to Your Community
- Deliver a treat or note of gratitude to essential workers near you.
- Donate (new/gently used items or funds) to your local food pantry or clothing closet.
- Sign up to support one of these local agencies (download PDF).
Wednesday: Show Love to a Family Member
- Text or call a family member you haven’t talked to in a while.
- Finish someone else’s chore.
- Make a treat for your family.
Thursday: Show Love to a Neighbor
- Write and deliver a note to check in with your neighbor.
- Put an arrangement of flowers on your neighbor’s porch.
- Make a treat for your neighbor.
Friday: Show Love to a Friend
- Text, call, or Zoom with someone you haven’t talked to in a while.
- Invite a friend to go for a walk or a masked outdoor visit.
- Resume a Friday Five practice of reaching out to five Wilshire friends each Friday.
Saturday: Show Love to Creation
- Read the Creation story in Genesis and give thanks to God for the ways in which we are created and we create.
- Discover a new park or trail.
- Earth Day is April 22, learn more about a sustainable practice you can implement to care for the Earth (download PDF).
Sunday: Show Love to the Church
- Write a prayer to God on a piece of ribbon and tie the ribbon to the railings on the bridge located between the north parking lot and prayer garden. A supply box will be on the bridge all week.
- Write a note or pray for someone listed on Care Notes or Prayer Notes.
- Register for one of Wilshire’s outdoor Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday services.