When I was young, my family took a big vacation once every few years (or at least what we considered to be a big vacation). One of my favorite vacations was a road trip to Washington, D.C.
Because trips like this were rare and we knew it was likely we may not go back to those places, my mom always filled them with sights and activities down to the very minute. When we went to D.C., she even looked up the Metro schedule and planned exactly what time we would get on what train.
On this trip, my mom knew there was so much for me and my brother to see that it just wasn’t going to be possible for us to see everything D.C. has to offer. So she told us to make a list of our must-see sights and our must-do activities. My mom is the greatest and is a scheduling mastermind, and she somehow found a way to fit in everything on our lists. While we didn’t get to see everything in D.C., we got to see and do the things that mattered to us.
My mom has decided to plan another family trip for whenever it is safe to travel again. My family, like many of you and your families, is mourning canceled/postponed events and milestones. So to eventually celebrate those things, my mom has decided we need another big family vacation. She texted me earlier this week and said, “Do you remember when I had you and Stephen make your lists when we went to D.C.? Make another one.”
Thinking about my list for this upcoming trip has birthed another list. I’ve started making a list of the things I will do when we can finally return to some semblance of normalcy. Perhaps you are making a list as well. If you’re like me, a good chunk of your list is seeing people you dearly love to hug them — many of those people are likely fellow Wilshire members. They are likely people who have loved and supported you throughout this time even if they couldn’t do it in person.
Who are those people? As we prepare for worship this Sunday morning, think about them. Then reach out and let them know you love them and that when we can finally gather together in person again, seeing them is at the top of your list.