Preparing for Worship: July 28, 2024

by | Jul 26, 2024 | Preparing For Worship, Uncategorized

By Ava McClung

This past week has been a busy one for me, and I doubt I’m the only one. Between travel, errands, work, camps, visiting family and friends, shopping for school supplies and trying to maintain some semblance of a routine, summer can be exhausting.

I find that the busier I get, the less time I spend on spiritual practices that help me feel connected to God. Prayer, journaling, meditation and reading Scripture seem easy to cut out of my schedule in order to fit more classes, jobs, trips and time with friends. But, ironically, the times we feel too busy to take time to connect with God are often the times we need God’s sustaining power the most.

One reason coming to church each Sunday remains important to me is because physically showing up is one way I can reach out and allow God to dwell in me. I know that worship helps me feel connected to my community, to God and even to myself, so I make a point to block out an hour in my schedule and scurry to get all of my ducks in a row on Sunday mornings. Sometimes I have to sneak in a few minutes late. But once I’m here, I can stop. Be still. Breathe.

The pew gives me the space I need to rest — my body, my mind and my soul. There’s a reason we call it the “Sanctuary” — the busyness of the world seems to pause as I sit in this space. Some days I connect deeply with the elements of worship and the people around me. Other days I just sit and let everything wash over me. But either way, I leave worship with fresh strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

We do not worship together in this space each week for the sole purpose of sending our praises and prayers up to God. We also come together to feel the movement of the Holy Spirit in the worship experience itself. Reading Scripture, singing well-loved hymns and simply being aware of the presence of God in this space are ways that God can provide us with strength, peace and comfort. Worship is not just us offering something to God; it’s an opportunity for God to offer us something, too.

May we be open to receiving God’s sustaining power through our worship together this morning.