The Christmas Tree is Full!

by | Jan 6, 2024 | Stewardship

Dear Wilshire,

I’m writing to give a quick update on our yearend giving, even if it doesn’t hold all the final pieces. I apologize for not reporting sooner, but we were patiently waiting for the last batch of mail postmarked for December, which we believe came yesterday. Much gratitude for the many postal workers ensuring mail and packages safely came our way through the busyness of the season.

On Nov. 30, we showed you an empty Christmas tree graphic and said $967,326 was needed by Dec. 31 to make our budget for 2023. I’m beyond excited to share that we received $1,016,690 toward that goal. We not only reached our budgeted revenue, but gave tremendously over the budget! Our budget for the year was $3,850,000, and as of now we have given $3,926,388.

This Sunday we have our first Finance Committee meeting of the year, which I believe with this news will turn from a meeting to a party. Stay tuned for more updates, and do not miss out on the Church Conference on Jan. 21, where we will discuss this more and vote on our 2024 budget.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the ways you give your heart, talents, time and treasure as we continue to build upon the kingdom of God.
